我们艺术学院的使命是为学生提供, 在视觉和表演艺术方面有卓越的技能, a personally supportive and intellectually challenging environment to pursue their interests at a level which is specifically directed toward entrance into college and university arts programs.
正规靠谱的彩票app提供了一个密集的, 视觉艺术领域的专业前培训, 音乐(声乐和器乐), theatre, 与舞蹈相结合的是严谨, 大学预备课程. The expansion of the curriculum and facilities for our students provides daily interaction and study with art professionals, 参与专业导向的制作, 也有空间来最大限度地练习他们的手艺.
艺术类课程每年还要额外支付1250美元的费用 Academy.
All students must complete the general online admissions application and requirements in addition to the 艺术学院申请. 请只选择您有兴趣参加试镜的学习领域. Students interested in applying must have experience in their area of study and must audition for the music, dance, 和戏剧项目或提交视觉艺术项目的作品集. 在完成申请要求之后, 学生将被通知安排试听或作品集审查. 试镜和作品集审查通常在一月份进行.
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is excited to offer applicants the opportunity to be awarded instrumental music scholarships for the academic school year. 该奖学金将跟踪学生在正规靠谱的彩票app的四年, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.
To apply, 请填写以下申请表并提交给招生办, admissions@youhuigou186.com, 2024年1月3日. 请注意,最后的选择将需要一个试镜. 符合条件的申请人将被联系并安排在2024年1月27日举行的试镜.
Student Eligibility
Audition Criteria
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is very excited to offer applicants the opportunity to be awarded vocal music scholarships for the academic school year. 该奖学金将跟随学生在正规靠谱的彩票app学习四年, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.
To apply, 请填写以下申请表并提交给招生办公室, admissions@youhuigou186.com, 2024年1月3日. 请注意,最后的选择将需要一个试镜. 符合条件的申请人将被联系并安排在2024年1月27日举行的试镜.
Student Eligibility
Audition Criteria
潜在的学生应该准备好唱《正规靠谱的彩票app》. 在试镜期间,个人将被要求参加以下活动:
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is very excited to offer applicants to the Arts Academy the opportunity to be awarded visual arts scholarships for the academic school year. 该奖学金将跟踪学生在正规靠谱的彩票app的四年, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.
To apply, 请填写以下申请表并提交给招生办公室, admissions@youhuigou186.com, 2024年1月3日. 请注意,作品集将于2024年1月22日之前发送到招生办公室. 它可以通过一个链接或多张照片通过电子邮件发送. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an interview to be held on January 27, 2024.
Student Eligibility
Portfolio Criteria
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is excited to offer applicants to the Arts Academy the opportunity to be awarded theatre arts scholarships for the academic school year. 该奖学金将跟踪学生在正规靠谱的彩票app的四年, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.
To apply, 请填写以下申请表并提交给招生办, admissions@youhuigou186.com, 2024年1月3日. 请注意,最后的选择将需要一个试镜. 符合条件的申请人将被联系并安排在2024年1月27日举行的试镜.
Student Eligibility
Audition Criteria
推荐十大靠谱彩票平台 is excited to offer applicants to the Arts Academy the opportunity to be awarded dance scholarships for the academic school year. 该奖学金将跟踪学生在正规靠谱的彩票app的四年, 前提是他们符合以下资格要求.
To apply, 请填写以下申请表并提交给招生办, admissions@youhuigou186.com, 2024年1月3日. 请注意,最后的选择将需要一个试镜. Qualified applicants will be contacted to schedule an audition and auditions will be held on January 20, 2024.
Student Eligibility
Audition Criteria
学生必须修至少1/2学分的视觉/表演艺术课程. 文森特·正规靠谱的彩票app高中. 视觉与表演艺术, 有各种各样的选修课可供学生选择.
要查看完整的课程列表和课程描述,请阅读我们的 Course Catalog.
在正规靠谱的彩票app,我们的视觉艺术系提供探索二维和三维艺术形式的课程. These classes are for students who are interested in exploring artmaking through various media. 艺术基础允许学生建立素描,绘画和雕塑的基础. 本基础课程是绘画1,绘画1和雕塑1的先决条件. 在这些课程中(绘画1), 绘画1和雕塑1), 学生深入研究材料, 组成和结构,同时获得扎实的技能,在每个原则.
视觉艺术系还提供数码摄影、数码艺术和平面设计. These technical/computer based courses offer students the opportunity to learn a strong skill set in each principle that can be utilized in their other high school and future college courses.
Our mission is to foster growth in the articulation and understanding of the universal language of music. 正规靠谱的彩票app提供了几个器乐合奏,学生可以参加. 这些课程包括像“音乐会乐队”这样的学分课程, 管乐乐团(包括活力乐队), Beginning Strings, and String Orchestra. 课外团体包括爵士乐团、家庭乐队(敬拜音乐)和鼓队.
Our Strings Department includes both our String Orchestra class and our newly introduced Beginning Strings class. 这些课程是为正在演奏或想要学习演奏小提琴的学生开设的, viola, cello, or double bass. 学生们学习各种各样的弦乐曲目, 包括从17世纪的古典音乐到当代音乐, 还有流行音乐和小提琴技巧. Our Strings program strives to collaborate with all of the other major ensembles at Pallotti throughout the school year.
Musicians in any of these ensembles also have the opportunity to participate in smaller chamber ensemble groups for various performance opportunities including masses and prayer services, pit orchestra for shows, 爵士组合娱乐, and other events.
声乐有改变生活的力量, 促进和鼓励创造性和艺术性的表达, and unite people from all walks of life as they engage in meaningful and heartfelt performance. 合唱音乐节目是一个坚持多样化的音乐产品, 源自欧洲古典音乐, to contemporary gospel, 听美国流行歌曲和流行歌曲. 所以请加入我们,让我们为所有人制造欢乐的声音!
戏剧一是提供给任何想要更多地了解戏剧和表演的人. Students will learn through a series of games and improv how to create a character and how to perform for an audience. 学生将学习舞台、舞台类型、舞台方向和阻挡. 学生将合作创作一个最终上演的读者戏剧表演.
秋季戏剧对任何想参加的人开放. Students will be required to audition performing a short memorized monologue in early September. 回调将单独举行,不需要任何准备. Rehearsals will take place after school throughout September and October and November with performances taking place Mid November. This is an exciting opportunity for students to gain experience in live theatrical performance.
春季音乐剧对任何想参加的人开放. Students will be required to audition with a short memorized monologue and 16 bars of a memorized, acapella piece. 这是一种将表演艺术聚集在一起的令人兴奋的方式. 学生们有机会表演声乐、器乐、表演和舞蹈. 视觉艺术专业的学生也有机会进行道具设计和创作,以及布景绘画.
The Introduction to Dance class is a one semester class that introduces students to the basic elements of various styles of dance. Students learn about body awareness, balance, and breathing, as well as specific dance techniques. 这门课既可以算作艺术学分,也可以算作P.E. 信用,但不能兼而有之.
* Events highlighted in BLUE are off-campus events*
Fall Play: 12个愤怒的陪审员 November 16, 17, 18 at 7:00 PM; November 18 at 2:00 PM | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | Theatre
WAMTC Band Festival | 12月2日,Time TBA | Our Lady of Good Counsel高中| Instrumental Music
圣诞树点灯仪式暨圣诞合唱音乐会| 12月8日下午6:30 | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | Vocal Music
Christmas Concert | 12月10日下午3:00 |正规靠谱的彩票app体育馆| 器乐舞蹈
Fall Dance Composition | 1月18日下午6:00 |正规靠谱的彩票app舞台| Dance
奖学金和艺术学院为潜在的正规靠谱的彩票app学生试镜| 1月26-27日|正规靠谱的彩票app高中| All Departments
PG县独奏和合奏节| February 10 | Thomas G. 普伦创意与表演艺术学院| Instrumental Music
室内乐独奏会| 3月10日下午3:00 | Pallotti Chapel | 声乐及器乐
Spring Art Show | 3月14日下午4:00 | Pallotti's Sister Lucy Lobby | Visual Arts
Pallotti Spring Gala | 3月16日下午6:00 | Pallotti体育馆 Jazz Ensemble - Instrumental Music
PG独奏和合奏节 | 3月23日|地点待定| Vocal Music
春天的游戏-六:青少年版托比·马洛 & Lucy Moss | April 11, 12, 13 at 7:00 PM; April 13 at 2:00 PM | Pallotti Stage | Theatre
《正规靠谱的彩票app》由康科德剧院特别安排演出. www.concordtheatricals.com
Spring Concert | 4月27日晚7:00 | Pallotti体育馆| 声乐/器乐和舞蹈
春节音乐节之旅| 5月4日全天|好时公园| Instrumental Music
Music Banquet | 5月6日晚7:00 | Pallotti自助餐厅| Instrumental Music
Spring Dance Concert | 5月7日下午6:00 |正规靠谱的彩票app舞台| Dance